Tags Go

Go doesn't support inheritance in the classical sense; instead, in encourages composition as a way to extend the functionality of types. This is not a notion peculiar to Go. Composition over inheritance is a known principle of OOP and is featured in the very first chapter of the Design Patterns book.

Embedding is an important Go feature making composition more convenient and useful. While Go strives to be simple, embedding is one place where the essential complexity of the problem leaks somewhat. In this series of short posts, I want to cover the different kinds of embedding Go supports, and provide examples from real code (mostly the Go standard library).

There are three kinds of embedding in Go:

  1. Structs in structs (this part)
  2. Interfaces in interfaces (part 2)
  3. Interfaces in structs (part 3)

Embedding structs in structs

We'll start with a simple example demonstrating the embedding of a struct in another struct:

type Base struct {
  b int

type Container struct {     // Container is the embedding struct
  Base                      // Base is the embedded struct
  c string

Instances of Container will now have the field b as well. In the spec it's called a promoted field. We can access it just as we'd do for c:

co := Container{}
co.b = 1
co.c = "string"
fmt.Printf("co -> {b: %v, c: %v}\n", co.b, co.c)

When using a struct literal, however, we have to initialize the embedded struct as a whole, not its fields. Promoted fields cannot be used as field names in composite literals of the struct:

co := Container{Base: Base{b: 10}, c: "foo"}
fmt.Printf("co -> {b: %v, c: %v}\n", co.b, co.c)

Note that the access co.b is a syntactic convenience; we can also do it more explicitly with co.Base.b.


Embedding structs also works well with methods. Suppose we have this method available for Base:

func (base Base) Describe() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("base %d belongs to us", base.b)

We can now invoke it on instances of Container, as if it had this method too:


To understand the mechanics of this call better, it helps to visualize Container having an explicit field of type Base and an explicit Describe method that forwards the call:

type Container struct {
  base Base
  c string

func (cont Container) Describe() string {
  return cont.base.Describe()

The effect of calling Describe on this alternative Container is similar to our original one which uses an embedding.

This example also demonstrates an important subtlety in how methods on embedded fields behave; when Base's Describe is called, it's passed a Base receiver (the leftmost (...) in the method definition), regardless of which embedding struct it's called through. This is different from inheritance in other languages like Python and C++, where inherited methods get a reference to the subclass they are invoked through. This is a key way in which embedding in Go is different from classical inheritance.

Shadowing of embedded fields

What happens if the embedding struct has a field x and embeds a struct which also has a field x? In this case, when accessing x through the embedding struct, we get the embedding struct's field; the embedded struct's x is shadowed.

Here's an example demonstrating this:

type Base struct {
  b   int
  tag string

func (base Base) DescribeTag() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("Base tag is %s", base.tag)

type Container struct {
  c   string
  tag string

func (co Container) DescribeTag() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("Container tag is %s", co.tag)

When used like this:

b := Base{b: 10, tag: "b's tag"}
co := Container{Base: b, c: "foo", tag: "co's tag"}


This prints:

Base tag is b's tag
Container tag is co's tag

Note that when accessing co.tag, we get the tag field of Container, not the one coming in through the shadowing of Base. We could access the other one explicitly, though, with co.Base.tag.

Example: sync.Mutex

The following examples are all from the Go standard library.

A classical example of struct-in-struct embedding in Go is sync.Mutex. Here's lruSessionCache from crypto/tls/common.go:

type lruSessionCache struct {
  m        map[string]*list.Element
  q        *list.List
  capacity int

Note the embedding of sync.Mutex; now if cache is an object of type lruSessionCache, we can simply call cache.Lock() and cache.Unlock(). This is useful in some scenarios, but not always. If the locking is part of the struct's public API, embedding the mutex is convenient and removes the need for explicit forwarding methods.

However, it could be that the lock is only used internally by the struct's methods and isn't exposed to its users. In this case I wouldn't embed the sync.Mutex, but would rather make it an unexported field (like mu sync.Mutex).

I've written some more on embedded mutexes and gotchas to look out for here.

Example: elf.FileHeader

The embedding of sync.Mutex is a good demonstration of struct-in-struct embedding to gain new behavior. A different example involves an embedding for data. In debug/elf/file.go we find the structs that describe ELF files:

// A FileHeader represents an ELF file header.
type FileHeader struct {
  Class      Class
  Data       Data
  Version    Version
  ABIVersion uint8
  ByteOrder  binary.ByteOrder
  Type       Type
  Machine    Machine
  Entry      uint64

// A File represents an open ELF file.
type File struct {
  Sections  []*Section
  Progs     []*Prog
  closer    io.Closer
  gnuNeed   []verneed
  gnuVersym []byte

The elf package developers could have just listed all the header fields directly in File, but having it in a separate struct is a nice example of self-documenting data partitioning. User code may want to initialize and manipulate file headers separately from File, and the embedding design makes this natural.

A similar example can be found in compress/gzip/gunzip.go, where gzip.Reader embeds gzip.Header. This is a very nice example of embedding for data reuse because gzip.Writer also embeds gzip.Header, so this helps avoid copy-pasta.

Example: bufio.ReadWriter

Since an embedding struct "inherits" (but not in the classical sense, as described above) the methods of an embedded struct, embedding can be a useful tool to implement interfaces.

Consider the bufio package, which has the type bufio.Reader. A pointer to this type implements the io.Reader interface. The same applies to *bufio.Writer, which implements io.Writer. How can we create a bufio type that implements the io.ReadWriter interface?

Very easily with embedding:

type ReadWriter struct {

This type inherits the methods of *bufio.Reader and *bufio.Writer, and thus implements io.ReadWriter. This is done without giving the fields explicit names (which they don't need) and without writing explicit forwarding methods.

A slightly more involved example is timerCtx in the context package:

type timerCtx struct {
  timer *time.Timer

  deadline time.Time

To implement the Context interface, timerCtx embeds cancelCtx, which implements 3 of the 4 methods required (Done, Err and Value). It then implements the fourth method - Deadline on its own.