Suppose we have a struct that contains a map, and we want to modify the map in a method. Here's a simple example:

package main

import "fmt"

type Container struct {
  counters map[string]int

func (c Container) inc(name string) {

func main() {
  c := Container{counters: map[string]int{"a": 0, "b": 0}}

  doIncrement := func(name string, n int) {
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {

  doIncrement("a", 100000)


A Container holds a map of counters, keyed by name. Its inc method increments the specified counter (let's assume that the counter already exists). main calls inc many times in a loop.

If we run this snippet, it will print out:

map[a:100000 b:0]

Now say that we want two goroutines to call inc concurrently. Since we are wary of race conditions, we'll use a Mutex to lock around the critical region:

package main

import (

type Container struct {
  sync.Mutex                       // <-- Added a mutex
  counters map[string]int

func (c Container) inc(name string) {
  c.Lock()                         // <-- Added locking of the mutex
  defer c.Unlock()

func main() {
  c := Container{counters: map[string]int{"a": 0, "b": 0}}

  doIncrement := func(name string, n int) {
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {

  go doIncrement("a", 100000)
  go doIncrement("a", 100000)

  // Wait a bit for the goroutines to finish
  time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)

What would you expect the output to be? I get something like this:

fatal error: concurrent map writes

goroutine 5 [running]:
runtime.throw(0x4b765b, 0x15)

<...> more goroutine stacks
exit status 2

We were careful to use a mutex, so what went wrong? Can you see how to fix it? Hint: it's a single-character code change!

The problem with the code is that whenever inc is called, our container c is copied into it, because inc is defined on Container, not *Container; in other words, it's a value receiver, not a pointer receiver. Therefore, inc can't really modify the contents of c per se.

But wait, how did the original sample work then? In the single-goroutine sample, we passed c by value too, but it worked - main observed the changes to the map done by inc. This is because maps are special - they are reference types, not value types. What's stored in Container is not the actual map data, but a pointer to it. So even when we create a copy of the Container, its counters member still contains the address of the same data.

So the original code sample is wrong too. Even though it works, it goes against the guidelines; methods that modify the object should be defined on pointers, not values. Using a map here leads us to a false sense of security. As an exercise, try to replace the map with just a single int counter in the original example, and notice how inc increments a copy of it, so that in main its effects will not be seen.

The Mutex is a value type (see definition in Go's source, including the comment that explicitly asks not to copy mutexes), so copying it is wrong. We're just creating a different mutex, so obviously the exclusion no longer works.

The one-character fix is, therefore, to add a * in front of Container in the definition of inc:

func (c *Container) inc(name string) {
  defer c.Unlock()

Then c is passed by pointer into the method, and actually refers to the same instance of Container in memory as the one the caller has.

This is not an uncommon problem! In fact, go vet will warn about it:

$ go tool vet method-mutex-value-receiver.go
method-mutex-value-receiver.go:19: inc passes lock by value: main.Container

It often comes up in scenarios like HTTP handlers, which are invoked concurrently without the programmer's explicitly writing any go statements. I'll write more about this in a future post.

This issue really helps clarify the difference between value and pointer receivers in Go, in my opinion. To drive the point home, here's another code sample, unrelated to the last two. It leverages Go's ability to create pointers to objects using & and examine their addresses with the %p formatting directive:

package main

import "fmt"

type Container struct {
  i int
  s string

func (c Container) byValMethod() {
  fmt.Printf("byValMethod got &c=%p, &(c.s)=%p\n", &c, &(c.s))

func (c *Container) byPtrMethod() {
  fmt.Printf("byPtrMethod got &c=%p, &(c.s)=%p\n", c, &(c.s))

func main() {
  var c Container
  fmt.Printf("in main &c=%p, &(c.s)=%p\n", &c, &(c.s))


Its output is (in one particular run on my machine - for you the addresses may be different, though the relations between them should be the same):

in main &c=0xc00000a060, &(c.s)=0xc00000a068
byValMethod got &c=0xc00000a080, &(c.s)=0xc00000a088
byPtrMethod got &c=0xc00000a060, &(c.s)=0xc00000a068

The main function creates a Container and prints out its address and the address of field s. It then invokes two Container methods.

byValMethod has a value receiver, and it prints out different addresses because it gets a copy of c. On the other hand, byPtrMethod has a pointer receiver and the addresses it observes are identical to the ones in main, because it takes the address of the actual c when invoked, not a copy.