Articles in tag "Concurrency"

2024.12.18: Implementing Raft: Part 5 - Exactly-once delivery
2024.10.10: Implementing Raft: Part 4 - Key/Value Database
2024.10.07: Linearizability in distributed systems
2020.03.05: Implementing Raft: Part 3 - Persistence and Optimizations
2020.02.29: Implementing Raft: Part 2 - Commands and Log Replication
2020.02.24: Implementing Raft: Part 1 - Elections
2020.02.22: Implementing Raft: Part 0 - Introduction
2020.01.21: Graceful shutdown of a TCP server in Go
2020.01.07: PubSub using channels in Go
2019.04.25: Implementing reader-writer locks
2019.01.17: On concurrency in Go HTTP servers
2018.12.24: Beware of copying mutexes in Go
2018.10.04: Go hits the concurrency nail right on the head
2018.09.04: Measuring context switching and memory overheads for Linux threads
2018.08.01: Launching Linux threads and processes with clone
2018.07.13: Basics of Futexes
2018.05.08: Concurrent Servers: Part 6 - Callbacks, Promises and async/await
2017.12.07: Concurrent Servers: Part 5 - Redis case study
2017.11.09: Concurrent Servers: Part 4 - libuv
2017.10.06: Concurrent Servers: Part 3 - Event-driven
2017.10.04: Concurrent Servers: Part 2 - Threads
2017.10.02: Concurrent Servers: Part 1 - Introduction
2017.06.23: Clojure concurrency and blocking with core.async
2017.06.07: Reducers, transducers and core.async in Clojure
2016.03.29: Book review: "Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks" by Paul Butcher
2016.02.16: The promises and challenges of std::async task-based parallelism in C++11
2016.02.12: Book review: "C++ Concurrency in Action" by Anthony Williams
2016.02.02: Book review: "Structured Parallel Programming" by M. McCool, J. Reinders, A. Robinson
2016.01.17: C++11 threads, affinity and hyperthreading
2013.01.16: Python - paralellizing CPU-bound tasks with concurrent.futures
2012.01.16: Python - parallelizing CPU-bound tasks with multiprocessing
2011.12.27: Python threads: communication and stopping
2011.08.30: Construction of function static variables in C++ is not thread safe
2010.04.05: pthreads as a case study of good API design
2009.01.28: Creating threads in Win32 C/C++ programming