Archives for 2013

2013.12.30: Summary of reading: October – December 2013
2013.12.26: Adding bash completion for your own tools - an example for pss
2013.12.18: Makefile functions and color output
2013.12.05: The cost of dynamic (virtual calls) vs. static (CRTP) dispatch in C++
2013.12.03: Intel i7 loop performance anomaly
2013.11.23: A new Ubuntu machine for home
2013.11.12: Getting started with libjit - part 2
2013.11.09: JavaScript (ES 5) hack for clean multi-line strings
2013.11.05: How to JIT - an introduction
2013.10.28: JavaScript gotcha for Pythonistas: bound methods
2013.10.22: Classical inheritance in JavaScript ES5
2013.10.17: Getting started with libjit - part 1
2013.10.08: Some notes on logging and SSH access from cron jobs
2013.10.04: Summary of reading: July - September 2013
2013.09.20: pss v1.39 released
2013.09.16: Analyzing function CFGs with LLVM
2013.08.14: Fixing tests by writing more tests
2013.08.03: pycparser v2.10 released
2013.07.30: pycparser - call for testing before release
2013.07.24: Displaying all argv in x64 assembly
2013.07.16: Hand-written lexer in Javascript compared to the regex-based ones
2013.07.09: Library order in static linking
2013.07.02: Summary of reading: April - June 2013
2013.06.25: Regex-based lexical analysis in Python and Javascript
2013.06.11: Keeping persistent history in bash
2013.06.09: Switching my open-source projects from Bitbucket to Github
2013.05.27: How require loads modules in Node.js
2013.05.10: Python will have enums in 3.4!
2013.05.06: Ten years of blogging
2013.04.20: Bootstrapping virtualenv
2013.04.03: Summary of reading: January - March 2013
2013.03.21: pss v1.37 release - testing help wanted
2013.03.09: Python FFI with ctypes and cffi
2013.03.04: Flexible runtime interface to shared libraries with libffi
2013.02.25: A deeper look into the LLVM code generator, Part 1
2013.02.06: Why I may not be able to help you
2013.01.28: Twisted-based IRC server example
2013.01.16: Python - paralellizing CPU-bound tasks with concurrent.futures
2013.01.06: This blog and Google+: division of responsibilities
2013.01.05: Understanding your own code
2013.01.03: Assembler relaxation