Archives for 2020

2020.12.31: Summary of reading: October - December 2020
2020.12.18: Computing the Chinese Remainder Theorem
2020.12.05: Unmarshaling Time values from JSON
2020.09.30: Summary of reading: July - September 2020
2020.09.25: GitHub Actions: first impressions
2020.09.12: Writing multi-package analysis tools for Go
2020.08.19: Embedding in Go: Part 3 - interfaces in structs
2020.08.17: Embedding in Go: Part 2 - interfaces in interfaces
2020.08.15: Embedding in Go: Part 1 - structs in structs
2020.07.25: An Intel 8080 assembler and online simulator
2020.06.30: Summary of reading: April - June 2020
2020.06.13: You don't need virtualenv in Go
2020.05.23: Optional JSON fields in Go
2020.05.16: Representing JSON structures in Go
2020.05.02: Faking stdin and stdout in Go
2020.04.04: Testing flag parsing in Go programs
2020.03.31: Summary of reading: January - March 2020
2020.03.05: Implementing Raft: Part 3 - Persistence and Optimizations
2020.02.29: Implementing Raft: Part 2 - Commands and Log Replication
2020.02.24: Implementing Raft: Part 1 - Elections
2020.02.22: Implementing Raft: Part 0 - Introduction
2020.01.21: Graceful shutdown of a TCP server in Go
2020.01.07: PubSub using channels in Go
2020.01.02: My Reading Habits