"A walk to remember" is a story of a teenage love, with an unlikely beginning and an unexpected and tragic ending. It's about friendship, love, and what "really matters".
Reading the book after having seen the movie has been an interesting experience. A lot of things are different, and the feeling is quite not the same when you already know how it ends.
After having finished the book, I had the feeling that I liked it less than the movie, so I saw the movie again just to be sure. Nope, I didn't like it less. They are very different, both having its good and bad sides:
The book: the characters are much better developed (not a surprise in a book vs. movie), the character of Jamie is more "divine". The background has more sad conotatons, which makes the story stronger. The setting of the 1950s fits better (no idea why the movie director decided to shift it into the 90s).
The movie: the main characters act very well, especially Mandy Moore as Jamie. A picture is worth a thousand words, especially a good picture, and Mandy Moore was *very* convincing. I liked the ending more, it's too tragic in the book.
All in all it's quite interesting to both read the book and see the movie and then compare. "A walk to remember" is definitely one of the better love stories I've ever read/seen.