Cgo enables Go programs to invoke C libraries or any other library that exposes a C API. As such, it's a important part of a Go programmer's toolbox.
Using Cgo can be tricky, however, especially when passing pointers and callback functions between Go and C code. This post discusses an end-to-end example that covers:
- Basic usage of Cgo, including linking a custom C library into the Go binary.
- Passing structs from Go to C.
- Passing Go functions to C and arranging C to call them back later.
- Safely passing arbitrary Go data to C code, which can later pass it back to the Go callbacks it invokes.
This is not a tutorial for Cgo - before reading, you're expected to have some familiarity with its simpler use cases. Several useful tutorials and reference pages are listed at the end of the post. The full source code for this example is available on GitHub.
The problem - a C library that invokes multiple Go callbacks
Here is the header file of a fictional C library that works through some data and invokes callbacks based on events:
typedef void (*StartCallbackFn)(void* user_data, int i);
typedef void (*EndCallbackFn)(void* user_data, int a, int b);
typedef struct {
StartCallbackFn start;
EndCallbackFn end;
} Callbacks;
// Processes the file and invokes callbacks from cbs on events found in the
// file, each with its own relevant data. user_data is passed through to the
// callbacks.
void traverse(char* filename, Callbacks cbs, void* user_data);
The callback signatures are made up, but demonstrate several important patterns that are common in reality:
- Every callback has its own type signature; here we're using int parameters for simplicity, but it could be anything else.
- When only a small number of callbacks is involved, they could be passed into traverse as separate parameters; however, often the number of callbacks is large (say, more than 3) and then almost always a struct collecting them is passed along. It's common to allow the user to set some of the callbacks to NULL to convey to the library that this particular event is not interesting and no user code should be invoked for it.
- Every callback gets an opaque user_data pointer passed through from the call to traverse. It's used to distinguish different traversals from each other, and pass along user-specific state. traverse typically passes user_data through without even trying to access it; since it's void*, it's completely opaque to the library and the user code will cast it to some concrete type inside the callback.
Our implementation of traverse is just a trivial simulation:
void traverse(char* filename, Callbacks cbs, void* user_data) {
// Simulate some traversal that calls the start callback and then the end
// callback, if they are defined.
if (cbs.start != NULL) {
cbs.start(user_data, 100);
if (cbs.end != NULL) {
cbs.end(user_data, 2, 3);
Our task is to wrap this library for usage from Go code. We'll want to invoke Go callbacks on traversal, without having to write any additional C code.
The Go interface
Let's start by sketching how our interface would look like in Go. Here is one way:
type Visitor interface {
End(int, int)
func GoTraverse(filename string, v Visitor) {
// ... implementation
The rest of the post shows a complete implementation using this approach. However, it has some drawbacks:
- When the number of callbacks we need to provide is large, writing implementations of Visitor may be tedious if we're only interested in a couple of callbacks. This can be mitigated by providing a struct to implement the complete interface with some defaults (say, no-ops) and user structs can then embed this default struct and not have to implement every single method. Still, interfaces with many methods are often not a good Go practice.
- A more serious limitation is that it's hard to convey to the C traverse that we're not interested in some callback. The object implementing Visitor will - by definition - have an implementation for all the methods, so there's no easy way to tell if we're not interested in invoking some of them. This can have serious performance implications.
An alternative approach is to mimic what we have in C; that is, create a struct collecting function objects:
type GoStartCallback func(int)
type GoEndCallback func(int, int)
type GoCallbacks struct {
startCb GoStartCallback
endCb GoEndCallback
func GoTraverse(filename string, cbs *GoCallbacks) {
// ... implementation
This solves both drawbacks immediately: the default value of a function object is nil, which can be interpreted by GoTraverse as "not interested in this event", wherein it can set the corresponding C callback to NULL. Since Go function objects can be closures or bound methods, there's no difficulty in preserving state between the different callbacks.
The accompanying code sample has this alternative implementation available in a separate directory, but in the rest of the post we're going to proceed with the more idiomatic approach that uses a Go interface. For the implementation, it doesn't really matter which approach is chosen.
Implementing the Cgo wrapper
Cgo pointer passing rules disallow passing Go function values directly to C, so to register callbacks we need to create wrapper functions in C.
Moreover, we also can't pass pointers allocated in Go to C directly, because the Go concurrent garbage collector may move data around. The Cgo Wiki page offers a workaround using indirection. Here I'm going to use the go-pointer package which accomplishes the same in a slightly more convenient and general way.
With this in mind, let's get straight to the implementation. The code may appear obscure at first, but it will all make sense soon. Here's the code for GoTraverse:
import gopointer ""
func GoTraverse(filename string, v Visitor) {
cCallbacks := C.Callbacks{}
cCallbacks.start = C.StartCallbackFn(C.startCgo)
cCallbacks.end = C.EndCallbackFn(C.endCgo)
var cfilename *C.char = C.CString(filename)
p := gopointer.Save(v)
defer gopointer.Unref(p)
C.traverse(cfilename, cCallbacks, p)
We start by creating the C Callbacks struct in Go code, and populating it. Since we can't assign Go functions to C function pointers, we'll have these wrappers, defined in a separate Go file [1]:
extern void goStart(void*, int);
extern void goEnd(void*, int, int);
void startCgo(void* user_data, int i) {
goStart(user_data, i);
void endCgo(void* user_data, int a, int b) {
goEnd(user_data, a, b);
import "C"
These are very thin wrappers that invoke Go functions - and we'll have to write one such C function per callback kind. We'll see the Go functions goStart and goEnd shortly.
After populating the C callback struct, GoTraverse converts the file name from a Go string to a C string (the wiki has the details). It then creates a value representing the Go visitor and that we can pass to C using the go-pointer package. Finally, it calls traverse.
To complete the implementation, the code for goStart and goEnd is:
//export goStart
func goStart(user_data unsafe.Pointer, i {
v := gopointer.Restore(user_data).(Visitor)
//export goEnd
func goEnd(user_data unsafe.Pointer, a, b {
v := gopointer.Restore(user_data).(Visitor)
v.End(int(a), int(b))
The export directives means these functions are visible to C code; their signature should have C types or types convertible to C types. They act similarly:
- Unpack the visitor object from user_data
- Invoke the appropriate method on the visitor
Callback flow in detail
Let's examine the flow of callback calls for a "start" event to get a better understanding of how the pieces are connected together.
GoTraverse assigns startCgo to the start pointer in the Callbacks structure passed to traverse. Therefore, when traverse encounteres a start event, it will invoke startCgo. The parameters are the user_data pointer passed in to traverse and the event-specific parameters (a single int in this case).
startCgo is a shim around goStart, and calls it with the same parameters.
goStart unpacks the Visitor implementation that was packed into user_data by GoTraverse and calls the Start method from there, passing it the event-specific parameters. All the code until this point is provided by the Go library wrapping traverse; from here, we get to the custom code written by the user of the API.
Tunneling Go pointers through C code
Another critical detail of this implementation is the trick we used to pack a Visitor inside a void* user_data passed around to and from C callbacks.
The Cgo documentation states that:
Go code may pass a Go pointer to C provided the Go memory to which it points does not contain any Go pointers.
But of course we can't guarantee that arbitrary Go objects don't contain any pointers. Besides the obvious uses of pointers, function values, slices, strings, interfaces and many other objects contain implicit pointers.
The limitation stems from the nature of the Go garbage collector, which runs concurrently to other code and is allowed to move data around, invalidating pointers from the point of view of C.
So what can we do? As mentioned above, the solution is indirection and the Cgo Wiki offers a simple example. Instead of passing a pointer to C directly, we keep the pointer in Go-land and find a way to refer to it indirectly; we could use some numeric index, for example. This guarantees that all pointers remain visible to the Go GC, yet we can keep some unique identifier in C-land that will let us access them later.
This is what the go-pointer package does, by creating a map between unsafe.Pointer (which maps to directly void* in Cgo calls to C) and interface{}, essentially letting us store arbitrary Go data and providing a unique ID (the unsafe.Pointer) to refer to it later. Why is unsafe.Pointer used instead of an int as in the Wiki example? Because opaque data is often represented with void* in C, so unsafe.Pointer is something that maps to it naturally. With an int we'd have to worry about casting in several additional places.
What if there is no user_data?
Seeing how we use user_data to tunnel the user-specific Visitor implementation through C code back to our generic callback, one may wonder - what if there's no user_data available?
It turns out, in most cases there is something like user_data, because without it the original C API is flawed. Consider our traverse example again, but this itme without user_data:
typedef void (*StartCallbackFn)(int i);
typedef void (*EndCallbackFn)(int a, int b);
typedef struct {
StartCallbackFn start;
EndCallbackFn end;
} Callbacks;
void traverse(char* filename, Callbacks cbs);
Suppose we provide a callback as start:
void myStart(int i) {
// ...
Within myStart, we're somewhat lost. We don't know which traversal we were invoked for - there could be many different traversals of different files and data structures for different needs. We also don't know where to record the results of the event. The only recourse here is using global data; this is a bad API!
Given such an API, we're not really much worse off in Go-land. We can also rely on global data to find the information relevant to this specific traversal, and we can use the same go-pointer trick to store arbitrary Go objects in this global data. But again, this situation is unlikely because the C API is unlikely to omit this critical detail.
Links to additional resources
There's a lot of information about using Cgo out there, some of it dated (before the rules for passing pointers were defined explicitly). Here's a collection of links I found particularly useful in preparing this post:
- The official Cgo documentation is the source of truth.
- The Cgo page on the Wiki is extremely useful.
- Some details about the concurrent GC in Go.
- Yasuhiro Matsumoto's post on calling Go from C.
- More details on the pointer passing rules.
[1] | They are in a separate file because of a peculiarity of how Cgo generates and compiles C code - more details on the Wiki. The reason I'm not using the static inline trick for these functions is that we have to take their address. |