C++ provides pretty good support for polymorphism by means of virtual functions. This is dynamic polymorphism (or runtime polymorphism), since the actual function to be called is resolved at runtime. It's usually implemented by adding a hidden pointer in every object of a class with virtual functions. The pointer will point for any given object at the actual functions to call for it, so even when the compiler only knows this object through a pointer to a base class, it can generate correct code.
The problem with dynamic polymorphism is its runtime cost. This usually consists of the following components [1]:
- Extra indirection (pointer dereference) for each call to a virtual method.
- Virtual methods usually can't be inlined, which may be a significant cost hit for some small methods.
- Additional pointer per object. On 64-bit systems which are prevalent these days, this is 8 bytes per object. For small objects that carry little data this may be a serious overhead.
Although in general dynamic polymorphism is a great tool, due to the aforementioned costs some applications prefer not to use it, at least for some performance-critical classes. So what is the alterantive?
It turns out that using templates, C++ provides an alternative way to implement polymorphism without the extra costs. There's a catch, of course - the types of objects have to be resolvable by the compiler at compile-time. This is called static polymorphism (or "simulated dynamic binding").
Here's the simplest code sample I could come up with that demonstrates the technique:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename Child>
struct Base
void interface()
struct Derived : Base<Derived>
void implementation()
cerr << "Derived implementation\n";
int main()
Derived d;
d.interface(); // Prints "Derived implementation"
The key to the technique is the strange template trickery that's being used: note that Derived inherits from Base<Derived>. What gives? The idea is to "inject" the real type of the derived class into the base, at compile time, allowing the static_cast of this in the interface to produce the desired result. This technique has a name - it's called Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP from now on).
Synthetic examples are prone to not being exciting, and this one is no exception. Why not just implement interface in Derived, if its type is known at compile-time anyway, you may ask. This is a good question, which is why I plan to provide more examples to show how CRTP is useful.
The following example is much longer - although it is also a simplification. It presents a generic base class for visiting binary trees in various orders. This base class can be inherited to specify special handling of some types of nodes. Here is the tree node definition and the base class:
struct TreeNode
enum Kind {RED, BLUE};
TreeNode(Kind kind_, TreeNode* left_ = NULL, TreeNode* right_ = NULL)
: kind(kind_), left(left_), right(right_)
Kind kind;
TreeNode *left, *right;
template <typename Derived>
class GenericVisitor
void visit_preorder(TreeNode* node)
if (node) {
void visit_inorder(TreeNode* node)
if (node) {
void visit_postorder(TreeNode* node)
if (node) {
void handle_RED(TreeNode* node)
cerr << "Generic handle RED\n";
void handle_BLUE(TreeNode* node)
cerr << "Generic handle BLUE\n";
// Convenience method for CRTP
Derived& derived()
return *static_cast<Derived*>(this);
void dispatch_node(TreeNode* node)
switch (node->kind) {
case TreeNode::RED:
case TreeNode::BLUE:
And a simple derived class:
class SpecialVisitor : public GenericVisitor<SpecialVisitor>
void handle_RED(TreeNode* node)
cerr << "RED is special\n";
Now you can easily implement special handling of various kinds of nodes in subclasses, and use visiting services provided by the base class.
To reiterate - this is a simplified example, as there are only two kinds of nodes, but in reality there can be many more. Such code would be quite useful inside compilers, where the source is usually parsed into a tree with many different kinds of nodes. Multiple passes in the compiler then process the trees by implementing their own visitors. As a matter of fact, the Clang compiler frontend has such a class, named RecursiveASTVisitor, which implements a much more complete version of the visitor displayed above.
Without CRTP, there's no way to implement such functionality except resorting to dynamic polymorphism and virtual functions [2].
Another interesting example is the following:
template <typename Derived>
struct Comparisons
template <typename Derived>
bool operator==(const Comparisons<Derived>& o1, const Comparisons<Derived>& o2)
const Derived& d1 = static_cast<const Derived&>(o1);
const Derived& d2 = static_cast<const Derived&>(o2);
return !(d1 < d2) && !(d2 < d1);
template <typename Derived>
bool operator!=(const Comparisons<Derived>& o1, const Comparisons<Derived>& o2)
return !(o1 == o2);
This is a generic base class with some external comparison functions that act on it. What this makes possible is to create a derived class that only defines the < operator, making other comparison operators (== and != here, but others are trivial to add) possible. Here's a sample derived class:
class Person : public Comparisons<Person>
Person(string name_, unsigned age_)
: name(name_), age(age_)
friend bool operator<(const Person& p1, const Person& p2);
string name;
unsigned age;
bool operator<(const Person& p1, const Person& p2)
return p1.age < p2.age;
Again, this is using CRTP to implement something that could only be possible with virtual functions had we wanted dynamic polymorphism. Sometimes a class like Comparisons above is called a mixin class:
In object-oriented programming languages, a mixin is a class that provides a certain functionality to be inherited or just reused by a subclass, while not meant for instantiation (the generation of objects of that class). Inheriting from a mixin is not a form of specialization but is rather a means of collecting functionality. A class may inherit most or all of its functionality from one or more mixins through multiple inheritance.
So how often is CRTP used in "real life"? I don't have any actual usage statistics, but it appears that this is a useful tool in a C++ programmer's toolbox. The RecursiveASTVisitor class from Clang I mentioned above is a very real use case. Clang's parent project LLVM uses CRTP in at least another place (the HeuristicBase class in the code generator module).
Boost also uses CRTP for its Iterator Facade:
iterator_facade is a base class template that implements the interface of standard iterators in terms of a few core functions and associated types, to be supplied by a derived iterator class.
And finally, Microsoft's Active Template Library (ATL) uses CRTP comprehensively. See, for example, the CWindowImpl template.

[1] | I have no intention of providing a comprehensive analysis of the cost here. This is a well-defined topic and a lot of information can be learned by googling "c++ virtual call cost". |
[2] | You may wonder why this is so. Can't GenericVisitor be a simple class, without the Derived templating? Absolutely not. Had dispatch_node just called handle_RED for red nodes, this would always call GenericVisitor::handle_RED, and never the handle_RED of the derived class. Keep in mind that the code of dispatch_node is generated statically at compile-time, and the only handle_RED the compiler is familiar with at that point is GenericVisitor's, unless of course it's virtual, or CRTP is used. |