The code for this section is in Common Lisp.

The assoc function the authors define exists in Common Lisp, and the one-dimensional table presented here is called an association list, or alist.

Here’s a sample session:

[11]> (defvar tbl '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))
[12]> (assoc 'c tbl)
(C . 3)
[13]> (assoc 'd tbl)
[14]> (assoc 'c tbl :test #'equalp)
(C . 3)

As the last line shows, assoc accepts a test function as an argument (it uses eql by default).

Exercise 3.24

I’ll use the idiomatic CL way of keyword arguments to set same-key?. Keyword arguments are a very useful feature CL supports out-of-the-box.

(defun make-table (&key (same-key? #'eql))
  (let ((local-table (list '*table*)))
    (labels (
      (tassoc (key table)
        (assoc key table :test same-key?))

      (lookup (key-1 key-2)
        (let ((subtable (tassoc key-1 (cdr local-table))))
          (if subtable
            (let ((record (tassoc key-2 (cdr subtable))))
              (if record
                (cdr record)

      (insert! (key-1 key-2 val)
        (let ((subtable (tassoc key-1 (cdr local-table))))
          (if subtable
            (let ((record (tassoc key-2 (cdr subtable))))
              (if record
                (setf (cdr record) val)
                (setf (cdr subtable)
                      (cons (cons key-2 val)
                            (cdr subtable)))))
            (setf (cdr local-table)
                  (cons (list key-1
                              (cons key-2 val))
                        (cdr local-table)))))

      (dispatch (m)
        (case m
          ('lookup-proc #'lookup)
          ('insert-proc! #'insert!)
          (otherwise (error "Bad dispatch ~a" m)))))


(defvar operation-table (make-table :same-key? #'equal))

(defvar get (funcall operation-table 'lookup-proc))
(defvar put (funcall operation-table 'insert-proc!))

Here’s sample usage:

(funcall put 'x 'y 12)
=> OK
(funcall get 'x 'y)
=> 12

Exercise 3.25

One simple and effective way to achieve this is to use a list as the key. You’ll also need to pass in an equality predicate that knows how to compare lists, for example equal.

Exercise 3.26

I’ll use the binary tree representation that was presented for sets in section 2.3.3 of the book. In the solution of exercise 2.66 I’ve already implemented a lookup, so what’s left is to package it all in a “local table” and add the insertion function.

; Generic binary tree
(defun make-tree (entry left right)
  (list entry left right))

(defun make-leaf (entry)
  (list entry nil nil))

(defun entry (tree) 
  (car tree))

(defun set-entry! (tree ent) 
  (setf (car tree) ent))

(defun left-branch (tree) 
  (cadr tree))

(defun set-left-branch! (tree lb)
  (setf (cadr tree) lb))

(defun right-branch (tree) 
  (caddr tree))

(defun set-right-branch! (tree lb)
  (setf (caddr tree) lb))

; Records
(defun make-record (key data)
  (list key data))

(defun key (record)
  (car record))

(defun data (record)
  (cadr record))

; Table implemented as a binary tree
(defun make-table (&key (<? #'<))
  (let ((local-table (cons '*head* nil)))
    (labels (
      (tree-root ()
        (cdr local-table))

      (set-tree-root! (node)
        (setf (cdr local-table) node))

      (node-lookup (key node)
        (if (null node)
          (let*  ((cur-entry (entry node))
                  (cur-key (key cur-entry)))
            (cond ((funcall <? key cur-key)
                      (left-branch node)))
                  ((funcall <? cur-key key)
                      (right-branch node)))
                  (t ; equal

      (lookup (key)
        (node-lookup key (cdr local-table)))

      (node-insert (key data node)
        (let*  ((cur-entry (entry node))
                (cur-key (key cur-entry)))
          (cond ((funcall <? key cur-key)
                  (if (null (left-branch node))
                        (make-record key data)))
                      key data (left-branch node))))
                ((funcall <? cur-key key)
                  (if (null (right-branch node))
                        (make-record key data)))
                      key data (right-branch node))))
                (t ; equal
                    node (make-record key data))))))

      (insert! (key data)
        (if (null (tree-root))
            (make-leaf (make-record key data)))
          (node-insert key data (tree-root))))

      (dispatch (m)
        (case m
          ('lookup-proc #'lookup)
          ('insert-proc! #'insert!)
          (otherwise (error "Bad dispatch ~a" m)))))


Note the usage of a generic less than operator. This is an accepted technique which is used in, for example, the Standard Template Library of C++. By providing a less than operator, we can compare keys and infer their ordering (and even know whether they’re equal).

Here’s some sample code that demonstrates how this works:

(defvar my-t (make-table))
(defvar get (funcall my-t 'lookup-proc))
(defvar put (funcall my-t 'insert-proc!))

(funcall put 5 55)
(funcall put 6 66)
(funcall put 3 33)
(funcall put 9 99)
(funcall put 1 11)
(funcall put 2 22)

(funcall get 9)
=> (9 99)

(funcall get 7)
=> NIL

(funcall put 7 77)

(funcall get 7)
=> (7 77)

Exercise 3.27

I won’t draw the env diagram, but I will explain what’s going on.

When memoize is called, and environment with the variable table is created, and the function returned points to this environment. Each time the function is executed (each call to memo-fib), it is executed within the body of the lambda that memoize returns – which checks for the value in the table.

(memo-fib n) takes n steps to compute its result because it never computes the same result twice. The call tree is flattened into a linear list.

The scheme would not work if we had defined memo-fib to be (memoize fib). This is because fib still calls itself (fib) instead of memo-fib in its recursive calls.