Tags Rust

To implement its safety guarantees, the Rust compiler keeps careful track of ownership and references throughout a program. This makes writing certain kinds of data structures challenging; in particular, data structures that have circular references.

Let's start with a simple binary tree:

struct Tree {
    root: Option<Node>,

struct Node {
    data: i32,
    left: Option<Box<Node>>,
    right: Option<Box<Node>>,

Since the Rust compiler should be able to calculate the size of a struct at compile-time, left and right typically use a heap-allocated Box. These boxes are wrapped in an Option because a node's left or right child might be empty.

Now suppose we want to add a parent link to every node. This is useful for certain tree structures; for example, in a binary search tree (BST), a parent link can be used to efficiently find the successor of a node. How can we do that?

The "obvious" approach fails

We can't just add a parent: Option<Box<Node>> field to Node, because that would imply that a node owns its parent; this is clearly wrong. In fact, our original Node definition already makes it clear that a parent owns its children, not the other way around.

So we probably want to add a reference instead; a parent owns its children, but a child may refert to a parent. That sounds right; let's try it:

struct Node {
    data: i32,
    left: Option<Box<Node>>,
    right: Option<Box<Node>>,
    parent: Option<&Node>,

Rust will refuse to compile this, asking for an explicit lifetime parameter. When we store a reference in a struct field, Rust wants to know how the lifetime of this reference relates to the lifetime of the struct itself. Fair enough, we can do that:

struct Tree<'a> {
    root: Option<Node<'a>>,

struct Node<'a> {
    data: i32,
    left: Option<Box<Node<'a>>>,
    right: Option<Box<Node<'a>>>,
    parent: Option<&'a Node<'a>>,

Now the lifetime is explicit: we tell the compiler that the lifetime of the parent reference is the same as the Node itself. This struct definition will compile, but writing actual code manipulating it will very quickly get into an altercation with the borrow checker. Consider the code that would insert a new child node into the current node; to mutate the current node, a mutable reference to it has to be in scope. At the same time, the new child's parent link is a reference to the node. The borrow checker won't let us create a reference to an object which already has a live mutable reference to it; it also won't let us mutate an object while any other reference to it is alive.

As an exercise, try to write an insertion method for the tree using this Node definition; you'll run into the problem fairly quickly.

Now what?

Clearly, the "obvious" way doesn't work. And indeed, thinking about it from first principles, it shouldn't. In this post I'm using BSTs with parent links as a simple case study, but there are even more obvious (and perhaps more useful) examples. Consider a graph data structure; a node has edges pointing to other nodes, and two nodes can easily point to each other. Who owns whom? Since this question cannot be answered at compile-time in the general case, it means we can't just use plain Rust references for these "points to" relations. We need to be somewhat more clever.

Having tackled this issue over and over again, Rust programmers have settled on three potential solutions:

  1. Defer borrow checking to run-time, by using a reference-counted pointer (std::rc::Rc) to a std::cell:RefCell.
  2. Centralize the ownership (e.g. all nodes are owned by a vector of nodes in the Tree), and then references become handles (indices into the abovementioned vector).
  3. Use raw pointers and unsafe blocks.

In this post, I'll present each of these approaches, applied to implementing a reasonably feature-complete BST with insertion, deletion, a "get successor" method and inorder traversal. The full code for this post is available in this repository; the post only presents a few snippets of interest for each approach. Refer to the code repository for the complete implementations with comments and extensive tests.

Run-time borrow checking with Rc and RefCell

This approach uses a combination of two data structures from the Rust standard library:

  • std::rc::Rc is a reference-counted pointer, providing shared ownership of heap-allocated data. Multiple instances of Rc can refer to the same data; when all references are gone, the heap allication is dropped [1]. This is quite similar to a shared_ptr in C++.

    Rc has a weak dual, std::rc::Weak; this represents a weak pointer to data owned by some other Rc. While we can access the data through a Weak, if only weak pointers remain the allocation will be dropped. In C++ this would be a weak_ptr.

  • std::cell::RefCell is a mutable memory location with dynamically checked borrow rules. RefCell allows us to take and pass around references to heap data without the scrutiny of the borrow checker. However, it's still safe; all the same borrow rules are enforced by RefCell at run-time.

You can see the full code implementing this approach here. In what follows, I'll highlight some interesting parts.

This is how can define our BST data structure [2]:

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};

pub struct Tree {
    count: usize,
    root: Option<NodeLink>,

type NodeLink = Rc<RefCell<Node>>;

struct Node {
    data: i32,
    left: Option<NodeLink>,
    right: Option<NodeLink>,
    parent: Option<Weak<RefCell<Node>>>,

Owning "links" are represented by a Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>; non-owning links are represented by Option<Weak<RefCell<Node>>>. Let's look at some representative code samples:

/// Insert a new item into the tree; returns `true` if the insertion
/// happened, and `false` if the given data was already present in the
/// tree.
pub fn insert(&mut self, data: i32) -> bool {
    if let Some(root) = &self.root {
        if !self.insert_at(root, data) {
            return false;
    } else {
        self.root = Some(Node::new(data));
    self.count += 1;

// Insert a new item into the subtree rooted at `atnode`.
fn insert_at(&self, atnode: &NodeLink, data: i32) -> bool {
    let mut node = atnode.borrow_mut();
    if data == node.data {
    } else if data < node.data {
        match &node.left {
            None => {
                let new_node = Node::new_with_parent(data, atnode);
                node.left = Some(new_node);
            Some(lnode) => self.insert_at(lnode, data),
    } else {
        match &node.right {
            None => {
                let new_node = Node::new_with_parent(data, atnode);
                node.right = Some(new_node);
            Some(rnode) => self.insert_at(rnode, data),

For simplicity, the code samples in this post separate the operation on the root into a top level function/method, which then calls a recursive method that operates at the node level. In this case, insert_at takes a link and inserts the new data as the child of that node. It preserves the BST invariant (smaller implies left child, larger implies right child). The interesting thing to note here is the borrow_mut() call at the very beginning. It obtains a mutable reference from the RefCell pointed to by atnode. But this isn't just a regular Rust mutable reference, as in &mut; instead, it's a special type called std::cell::RefMut. This is where the mutability magic happens - there is no &mut in sight, yet the code can actually mutate the underlying data [3].

To reiterate, this code remains safe; if you attempt to do another borrow_mut() on the RefCell while the previous RefMut is in scope, you'll get a run-time panic. The safety is guaranteed at run-time.

Another interesting example is the private find_node method, which finds and returns a node with the given data, starting from some node:

/// Find the item in the tree; returns `true` iff the item is found.
pub fn find(&self, data: i32) -> bool {
        .map_or(false, |root| self.find_node(root, data).is_some())

fn find_node(&self, fromnode: &NodeLink, data: i32) -> Option<NodeLink> {
    let node = fromnode.borrow();
    if node.data == data {
    } else if data < node.data {
            .and_then(|lnode| self.find_node(lnode, data))
    } else {
            .and_then(|rnode| self.find_node(rnode, data))

The .borrow() call at the beginning is how we ask a RefCell to provide a immutable reference to the internal data (naturally, this cannot coexist at run-time with any mutable references). When we return a node that was found, we clone the Rc, because we need a separate shared owner for the node. This lets Rust guarantee that the node cannot just be dropped while the returned Rc is still alive.

As the full code sample demonstrates, this approach is workable. It takes a lot of practice and patience to get right though, at least for inexperienced Rust programmers. Since each node is wrapped in three levels of indirection (Option, Rc and RefCell) writing the code can be somewhat tricky, since at any point you have to remember which level of inderection you're "currently in".

Another downside of this approach is that getting a plain reference to data stored in the tree isn't easy. As you can see in the sample above, the top-level find method doesn't return the node or its contents, but simply a boolean. This isn't great; for example, it makes the successor method sub-optimal. The problem here is that with RefCell we can't just return a regular & reference to the data, since the RefCell must keep a run-time track of all the borrows. We can only return a std::cell::Ref, but this leaks implementation details. This isn't a fatal flaw, but just something to keep in mind while writing code using these types.

Using handles into a vector as Node references

The second approach we're going to dicuss has the Tree owning all the nodes created in it, using a simple Vec. Then, all node references become "handles" - indices into this vector. Here are the data structures:

pub struct Tree {
    // All the nodes are owned by the `nodes` vector. Throughout the code, a
    // NodeHandle value of 0 means "none".
    root: NodeHandle,
    nodes: Vec<Node>,
    count: usize,

type NodeHandle = usize;

struct Node {
    data: i32,
    left: NodeHandle,
    right: NodeHandle,
    parent: NodeHandle,

Once again, the full code is available on GitHub; here I'll show some salient parts. Here's insertion:

/// Insert a new item into the tree; returns `true` if the insertion
/// happened, and `false` if the given data was already present in the
/// tree.
pub fn insert(&mut self, data: i32) -> bool {
    if self.root == 0 {
        self.root = self.alloc_node(data, 0);
    } else if !self.insert_at(self.root, data) {
        return false;
    self.count += 1;

// Insert a new item into the subtree rooted at `atnode`.
fn insert_at(&mut self, atnode: NodeHandle, data: i32) -> bool {
    if data == self.nodes[atnode].data {
    } else if data < self.nodes[atnode].data {
        if self.nodes[atnode].left == 0 {
            self.nodes[atnode].left = self.alloc_node(data, atnode);
        } else {
            self.insert_at(self.nodes[atnode].left, data)
    } else {
        if self.nodes[atnode].right == 0 {
            self.nodes[atnode].right = self.alloc_node(data, atnode);
        } else {
            self.insert_at(self.nodes[atnode].right, data)

Where alloc_node is:

// Allocates a new node in the tree and returns its handle.
fn alloc_node(&mut self, data: i32, parent: NodeHandle) -> NodeHandle {
    self.nodes.push(Node::new_with_parent(data, parent));
    self.nodes.len() - 1

After writing code with Option<Rc<RefCell<...>>>, this handle approach feels very simple. There are no layers of indirection; a handle is an index; a reference to a node is a handle; handle 0 means "none", that's it [4].

This version is also likely to be much more efficient than the linked version, because it has far fewer heap allocations and the single vector is very cache friendly.

That said, there are some issues here as well.

First, we take some of the safety into our own hands. While this approach won't result in corrupted memory, double frees or accessing freed pointers, it can lead to run-time panics and other problems because we deal in "raw" indices to a vector. Due to bugs, these incides may point past the vector's bounds, or point at the wrong slot, etc. For example, nothing prevents us from modifying a slot while there are "live handles" to it.

The other issue is removing tree nodes. Right now, the code "removes" a node simply by not pointing to it with any live handle. This makes the node unreachable through the tree's methods, but it does not deallocate memory. In fact, this BST implementation never deallocates anything:

// Replaces `node` with `r` in the tree, by setting `node`'s parent's
// left/right link to `node` with a link to `r`, and setting `r`'s parent
// link to `node`'s parent.
// Note that this code doesn't actually deallocate anything. It just
// makes self.nodes[node] unused (in the sense that nothing points to
// it).
fn replace_node(&mut self, node: NodeHandle, r: NodeHandle) {
    let parent = self.nodes[node].parent;
    // Set the parent's appropriate link to `r` instead of `node`.
    if parent != 0 {
        if self.nodes[parent].left == node {
            self.nodes[parent].left = r;
        } else if self.nodes[parent].right == node {
            self.nodes[parent].right = r;
    } else {
        self.root = r;
    // r's parent is now node's parent.
    if r != 0 {
        self.nodes[r].parent = parent;

This is obviously wrong for real-world applications. At the very least, this implementation can be improved by creating a "free list" of unused indices which can be reused when nodes are added. A more ambitious approach could be to implement a full-fledged garbage collector for the nodes. If you're up for a challenge, give it a try ;-)

Using raw pointers and unsafe blocks

The third and final approach to discuss is using raw pointers and unsafe blocks to implement our BST. This approach feels very familiar if you're coming from a C / C++ background. The full code is here.

pub struct Tree {
    count: usize,
    root: *mut Node,

struct Node {
    data: i32,

    // Null pointer means "None" here; right.is_null() ==> no right child, etc.
    left: *mut Node,
    right: *mut Node,
    parent: *mut Node,

Node links become *mut Node, which is a raw pointer to a mutable Node. Working with raw pointers is quite similar to writing C code, with a few idiosyncracies around allocating, deallocating and accsesing data through these pointers. Let's start with allocation; here are the Node constructors:

impl Node {
    fn new(data: i32) -> *mut Self {
        Box::into_raw(Box::new(Self {
            left: std::ptr::null_mut(),
            right: std::ptr::null_mut(),
            parent: std::ptr::null_mut(),

    fn new_with_parent(data: i32, parent: *mut Node) -> *mut Self {
        Box::into_raw(Box::new(Self {
            left: std::ptr::null_mut(),
            right: std::ptr::null_mut(),

The simplest way I found to allocate new memory for a raw pointer is using Box::into_raw, and it works well as long as we remember that deallocating this memory is on us from that point on (more on this later).

Let's see how insertion works:

/// Insert a new item into the tree; returns `true` if the insertion
/// happened, and `false` if the given data was already present in the
/// tree.
pub fn insert(&mut self, data: i32) -> bool {
    if self.root.is_null() {
        self.root = Node::new(data);
    } else {
        if !insert_node(self.root, data) {
            return false;

    self.count += 1;

// Inserts `data` into a new node at the `node` subtree.
fn insert_node(node: *mut Node, data: i32) -> bool {
    unsafe {
        if (*node).data == data {
        } else if data < (*node).data {
            if (*node).left.is_null() {
                (*node).left = Node::new_with_parent(data, node);
            } else {
                insert_node((*node).left, data)
        } else {
            if (*node).right.is_null() {
                (*node).right = Node::new_with_parent(data, node);
            } else {
                insert_node((*node).right, data)

The interesting point to notice here is the unsafe block the body of insert_node is wrapped in. This is required because this code dereferences raw pointers. In Rust it's OK to assign pointers and pass them around without special provisions, but dereferencing requires unsafe.

Let's see how removing nodes work; here's replace_node, which performs the same task as the similarly named method we've seen in the node handle approach:

// Replaces `node` with `r` in the tree, by setting `node`'s parent's
// left/right link to `node` with a link to `r`, and setting `r`'s parent
// link to the `node`'s parent. `node` cannot be null.
fn replace_node(&mut self, node: *mut Node, r: *mut Node) {
    unsafe {
        let parent = (*node).parent;
        if parent.is_null() {
            // Removing the root node.
            self.root = r;
            if !r.is_null() {
                (*r).parent = std::ptr::null_mut();
        } else {
            if !r.is_null() {
                (*r).parent = parent;
            if (*parent).left == node {
                (*parent).left = r;
            } else if (*parent).right == node {
                (*parent).right = r;
        // node is unused now, so we can deallocate it by assigning it to
        // an owning Box that will be automatically dropped.

This demonstrates how we deallocate heap data through raw pointers: by using Box::from_raw. This makes a Box that takes ownership of the data; a Box has a destructor, so it will actually deallocate it when it goes out of scope.

This brings us to an important point: we have to take care of releasing the memory of the Tree now. Unlike in the previous approaches, the default Drop implementation won't do here, since the only thing contained in our Tree is root: *mut Node and Rust has no idea how to "drop" that. If we run our tests without implementing the Drop trait explicitly, there will be memory leaks. Here's a simple implementation of Drop to fix that:

impl Drop for Tree {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Probably not the most efficient way to destroy the whole tree, but
        // it's simple and it works :)
        while !self.root.is_null() {

As an exercise, try to implement a more efficient Drop!

Writing the code with raw pointers felt fairly natural; while the final LOC count is similar, the raw pointers required significantly less mental burden than using Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>> [5]. Though I didn't benchmark it, my hunch would be that the pointer version is more efficient as well; at the very least, it eschews the dynamic borrow checks that RefCell does. The flip side is, of course, the loss of safety. With the unsafe version we can run into all the good-old C memory bugs.


The goal of this post was to review the different approaches one could take to implement non-trivial linked data structures in Rust. It covers approaches with three levels of safety:

  • Fully safe with Rc and RefCell.
  • Memory safe but otherwise more prone to bugs (such as aliasing borrows) with integer handles into a Vec.
  • Fully unsafe with raw pointers.

All three approaches have their merits and are useful to know, IMHO. Anecdotal evidence from Rust's own standard library and some popular crates suggests that the third approach - using raw pointers and unsafe - is quite popular.

Thanks for reading! Since this is my first non-trivial Rust post, I'm particularly interested in any comments, feedback or suggestions. Feel free to send me an email or leave a comment on whatever aggregation site this gets reposted to - I keep an eye on these from time to time.

[1]Rc also has a thread-safe variant called Arc, which uses atomics and is therefore slightly slower for single-threaded applications. In this post I'll just use Rc, but switching to Arc would be easy.
[2]For simplicity, the data type throughout this post is going to be just an i32. In a realistic program all Node types would be generic.
[3]If you're wondering how RefMut achieves this feat - it's by using unsafe, of course.
[4]To be fair, Rust's support for Option is really good and I missed it when coding the handle-based approach. Some code could certainly have been a bit shorter if I had access to the equivalent of let Some(xx) = .... A kind reader pointed out that Rust actually has the type std::num::NonZeroUsize for exactly this purpose.
[5]Though this can be attributed to my relative inexperience with Rust and a long history of writing C and C++.