The full implementation of the register-machine simulator is here.

Exercise 5.7


Exercise 5.8

When control reaches there, the contents of a are 3. This happens because:

  • When the machine code is assembled, the function extract-labels builds a list of all the labels in the code. When two labels have the same name, this label name will appear twice in the list.
  • When the goto instruction is executed, it finds the label to go to by calling lookup-label, which uses assoc on the list of labels. assoc returns the first "hit", so the fist label of the duplicates is jumped to.

We'll modify extract-labels to test whether a label already exists before adding it to the list:

(define (extract-labels text)
  (if (null? text)
    (cons '() '())
    (let ((result (extract-labels (cdr text))))
      (let ((instructions (car result))
            (labels (cdr result)))
        (let ((next-instruction (car text)))
          (if (symbol? next-instruction) ; a label ?
            (if (label-exists labels next-instruction)
              (error "Label name is duplicated: " next-instruction)
              (cons instructions
                    (cons (make-label-entry next-instruction instructions) labels)))
            (cons (cons (make-instruction next-instruction) instructions)

This auxiliary function is used to preserve the abstraction of labels:

(define (label-exists labels label-name)
  (assoc label-name labels))

Exercise 5.9

Adding a simple label test to make-operation-exp does the trick:

(define (make-operation-exp exp machine labels operations)
  (let ((op (lookup-prim (operation-exp-op exp) operations))
         (map (lambda (e)
                (if (label-exp? e)
                  (error "Using operation on label: " e)
                  (make-primitive-exp e machine labels)))
              (operation-exp-operands exp))))
    (lambda ()
      (apply op (map (lambda (p) (p)) aprocs)))))

Exercise 5.10

At this point in the book, I don't find this exercise interesting enough to pursue.

Exercise 5.11


The change will be done after the label afterfib-n-2. These lines:

(assign n (reg val))    
(restore val)             

Place Fib(n-2) in n and Fib(n-1) in val. They can be replaced by the single line:

(restore n)                   

Which places Fib(n-1) in n, because Fib(n-2) is already in val, and we only use the values in an addition which is commutative, so it doesn't care about the order of its addends:

(assign val (op +) (reg val) (reg n))


I'll store a (reg-name reg) pair on the stack instead of just the reg. These are the new save and restore:

(define (make-save inst machine stack pc)
  (let* ((reg-name (stack-inst-reg-name inst))
          (reg (get-register machine reg-name)))
    (lambda ()
      (push stack (cons reg-name (get-contents reg)))
      (advance-pc pc))))

(define (make-restore inst machine stack pc)
  (let* ((reg-name (stack-inst-reg-name inst))
          (reg (get-register machine reg-name)))
    (lambda ()
      (let* ((stack-top (pop stack))
              (saved-reg-name (car stack-top))
              (saved-reg (cdr stack-top)))
        (if (equal? reg-name saved-reg-name)
            (set-contents! reg saved-reg)    
            (advance-pc pc))
          (error (format "Restoring saved reg ~a into ~a~%" 
                          saved-reg-name reg-name)))))))


First of all, I'll modify the stack data structure to make it manage several stacks, each with its own name. Now the state variable s holds an association list of (stack-name stack) which is accessed with assoc. push and pop will receive the stack name:

(define (make-stack)
  (let ((s '()))
    (define (push reg-name x)
      (let ((reg-stack (assoc reg-name s)))
        (if reg-stack
          (set-cdr! reg-stack (cons x (cdr reg-stack)))
          (error "PUSH: No stack for register " reg-name))))
    (define (pop reg-name)
      (let ((reg-stack (assoc reg-name s)))
        (if reg-stack
          (if (null? (cdr reg-stack))
            (error "POP: Empty stack for register " reg-name)
            (let ((top (cadr reg-stack)))
              (set-cdr! reg-stack (cddr reg-stack))
          (error "POP: No stack for register " reg-name))))
    (define (add-reg-stack reg-name)
      (if (assoc reg-name s)
        (error "Stack already exists for " reg-name)
        (set! s (cons (cons reg-name '()) s))))
    (define (initialize)
        (lambda (stack)
          (set-cdr! stack '()))
    (define (dispatch message)
      (cond ((eq? message 'push) push)
            ((eq? message 'pop) pop)
            ((eq? message 'add-reg-stack) add-reg-stack)
            ((eq? message 'initialize) (initialize))
            (else (error "Unknown request -- STACK" message))))

(define (pop stack reg-name)
  ((stack 'pop) reg-name))

(define (push stack reg-name value)
  ((stack 'push) reg-name value))

Now, the allocate-register internal function in make-new-machine must be rewritten. Each time the machine is asked to allocate a new register, it adds a stack for this register to the stack management object:

(define (allocate-register name)
  (if (assoc name register-table)
    (error "Multiply defined register: " name)
      (set! register-table 
            (cons (list name (make-register name))
      ((stack 'add-reg-stack) name)

And finally, these are the new make-save and make-restore:

(define (make-save inst machine stack pc)
  (let* ((reg-name (stack-inst-reg-name inst))
          (reg (get-register machine reg-name)))
    (lambda ()
      (push stack reg-name (get-contents reg))
      (advance-pc pc))))

(define (make-restore inst machine stack pc)
  (let* ((reg-name (stack-inst-reg-name inst))
          (reg (get-register machine reg-name)))
    (lambda ()
      (set-contents! reg (pop stack reg-name))
      (advance-pc pc))))

Here's a demonstration of this feature:

(define fib
    '(n val n1)
    `((= ,=))
      (save n)
      (assign n (const 40))
      (save n)

      (save val)
      (assign val (const 10))
      (save val)

      (restore n)
      (assign n1 (reg n))
      (restore n)

      (assign val (const 1))
      (restore val)


(set-register-contents! fib 'n 8 )
(set-register-contents! fib 'val 3)
(start fib)
(printf ":~a~%" (get-register-contents fib 'n))
(printf ":~a~%" (get-register-contents fib 'n1))
(printf ":~a~%" (get-register-contents fib 'val))

Note how each register has its own stack, and a save or restore to another register don't affect it.

Exercises 5.12 – 5.13

I'll pass. I understand the simulator well enough now and don't feel these exercises will add to my comprehension.

Exercise 5.14

The factorial machine does all its save-s first and only then its restore-s. Hence, the maximal depth of the stack and the amount of push-es are equal. Let's try to match a linear equation for P – the amount of pushes:

n P
1 0
2 2
3 4
4 6
5 8
6 10

From this it's quite obvious that for an input n the amount of pushes is 2n-2.

Exercise 5.15

This is the modified make-new-machine. Changed and added lines are marked with a comment.

(define (make-new-machine)
  (let ((pc (make-register 'pc))
        (flag (make-register 'flag))
        (stack (make-stack))
        (instruction-count 0)           ;; **
        (the-instruction-sequence '()))
    (let ((the-ops
            (list (list 'initialize-stack
                        (lambda () (stack 'initialize)))))
            (list (list 'pc pc) (list 'flag flag))))
      (define (allocate-register name)
        (if (assoc name register-table)
          (error "Multiply defined register: " name)
          (set! register-table 
                (cons (list name (make-register name))
      (define (lookup-register name)
        (let ((val (assoc name register-table)))
          (if val
              (cadr val)
              (error "Unknown register: " name))))
      (define (execute)
        (let ((insts (get-contents pc)))
          (if (null? insts)
              (set! instruction-count (+ 1 instruction-count)) ;; **
              ((instruction-execution-proc (car insts)))
      (define (dispatch message)
        (cond ((eq? message 'start)
               (set-contents! pc the-instruction-sequence)
              ((eq? message 'install-instruction-sequence)
               (lambda (seq) 
                (set! the-instruction-sequence seq)))
              ((eq? message 'allocate-register) allocate-register)
              ((eq? message 'get-register) lookup-register)
              ((eq? message 'install-operations)
               (lambda (ops) (set! the-ops (append the-ops ops))))
              ((eq? message 'stack) stack)
              ((eq? message 'operations) the-ops)
              ((eq? message 'get-instruction-count)  ;; **
                (let ((count instruction-count))   
                  (set! instruction-count 0)        
              (else (error "Unknown request -- MACHINE" message))))

The instruction count is incremented in the execute procedure, prior to executing a new instruction.

Exercise 5.16

I'll add a state variable into the large let at the top of make-new-machine:

(instruction-trace-on #f)

The new messages the machine accepts are:

((eq? message 'trace-on)
  (set! instruction-trace-on #t))
((eq? message 'trace-off)
  (set! instruction-trace-on #f))

And this is the new execute procedure (it augments both instruction counting and tracing):

(define (execute)
  (let ((insts (get-contents pc)))
    (if (null? insts)
        (set! instruction-count (+ 1 instruction-count))
        (if instruction-trace-on
          (printf "trace: ~a~%" (instruction-text (car insts))))
        ((instruction-execution-proc (car insts)))

Exercise 5.17

To make this work I'll change the way instructions are represented. Thankfully, the "instruction" abstraction is hidden behind a constructor and a set of accessors, so not too much code has to be modified:

(define (make-instruction text)
  (list text '() '()))
(define (make-instruction-with-label text label)
  (list text label '()))
(define (instruction-text instruction)
  (car instruction))
(define (instruction-label instruction)
  (cadr instruction))
(define (instruction-execution-proc instruction)
  (caddr instruction))
(define (set-instruction-label! instruction label)
  "Sets the label that is tied to this instruction" 
  (set-cdr! instruction proc))
(define (set-instruction-execution-proc! instruction proc)
  (set-car! (cddr instruction) proc))

As you can see, an instruction is now implemented by a triplet: the instruction text, the label tied to it and its execution procedure.

Now, all that's left is to modify extract-labels to attach labels to relevant instructions:

(define (extract-labels text)
  (if (null? text)
    (cons '() '())
    (let ((result (extract-labels (cdr text))))
      (let ((instructions (car result))
            (labels (cdr result)))
        (let ((next-instruction (car text)))
          (if (symbol? next-instruction) ; a label ?
            (if (label-exists labels next-instruction)
              (error "Label name is duplicated: " next-instruction)
                (if (null? instructions)
                      (instruction-text (car instructions))
                    (cdr instructions)))
                (cons (make-label-entry next-instruction instructions) labels)))
            (cons (cons (make-instruction next-instruction) instructions)

Here's a sample run:

(define fib
    '(n val n1)
    `((= ,=))
      (save n)
      (assign n (const 40))
      (save n)
      (save val)
      (assign val (const 10))
      (save val)

(set-register-contents! fib 'n 8)
(fib 'trace-on)
(start fib)


trace: (save n)
trace: (assign n (const 40))
trace: (save n)
at label: george
trace: (save val)
trace: (assign val (const 10))
at label: just-a-label
trace: (save val)

Exercise 5.18

Here is the modified make-register. I've added the required messages, and changed the cond to a friendlier1 case:

(define (make-register name)
  (let ((contents '*unassigned*)
        (trace-on #f))
    (define (dispatch message)
      (case message
        ((get) contents)
          (lambda (value) 
            (when trace-on
              (printf "reg trace: ~a <- ~a (was ~a)~%" 
                name value contents))
            (set! contents value)))
        ((trace-on) (set! trace-on #t))
        ((trace-off) (set! trace-off #f))
        (else ((error "Unknown request -- REGISTER" message)))))

The following procedure and messages were added to make-new-machine:

  (define (set-register-trace! name trace-msg)
    (let ((reg (assoc name register-table)))
      (if reg
        ((cadr reg) trace-msg)
        (error "Unknown register: " name))))
  ((eq? message 'reg-trace-on)
    (lambda (reg-name)
      (set-register-trace! reg-name 'trace-on)))
  ((eq? message 'reg-trace-off)
    (lambda (reg-name)
      (set-register-trace! reg-name 'trace-off)))

Here's a sample, with both instruction and register tracing on:

(define fib
    '(n val n1)
    `((= ,=))
      (assign n (const 40))
      (save n)
      (save val)
      (assign val (const 10))
      (assign n (const 125))


trace: (assign n (const 40))
reg trace: n <- 40 (was 8)
trace: (save n)
at label: george
trace: (save val)
trace: (assign val (const 10))
trace: (assign n (const 125))
reg trace: n <- 125 (was 40)

Exercise 5.19

I'll pass.

1 I deem case to be friendlier here because all the cond clauses are comparing the same variable (message) to different values. Using case here saves quite a few keystrokes.