My blog has just recently migrated from use.perl to Blogger, and now it's moving again. I decided to finally purchase hosting and a domain name, and merge my website with the blog to a single entity.

Wordpress, the engine behind my new website, is a very effective content management tool. Although it is geared more towards blogs than general purpose websites, I think the line between the two concepts is blurring and Wordpress is a good tool to manage a website as well. I will try to prove this concept by administering this website solely with Wordpress.

Customizing Wordpress was quite simple, even though I had no previous acquaintance with CSS, PHP and MySQL. I've never really played with advanced web-programming topics before, and limited myself to simple static HTML pages. Now I see just how wide a topic this is - PHP certainly brings the full power of programming into the web-design domain, though I'm not sure it's the only option out there (Perl with CGI can certainly do it too, and the new hype Ruby On Rails must be doing something right to gain such a following). Wordpress in this context acts like a powerful library of PHP modules that helps build complicated and dynamic websites.

I'm using a modified "default" scheme (Kubrick) - I changed the logo to one of my own design, changed the way source code is displayed, and the way pages and archives are organizes. I've also activated the excellent database backup plugin and the "Codeautoescape" plugin (by Priyadi), that auto-translates pieces of source code wrapped in <code> tags - this is very useful for posting source code. I have already ported my blog, and all that's left is my website - a collection of links, articles about programming and code snippets / open source programs for download.